Current Projects
Springwatch, Autumnwatch and Winterwatch
The Watches continue bringing viewers the very best of British Wildlife mixed with a bit of science, fun, facts and humour.
Other Stuff
Talks, award ceremonies, corporate jobs, guest appearances; from The Leeds International Festival to The Pro Landscape Awards, Earthwatch, STEM Live Lessons, numerous Dogfests and Big Dogwalks across the country, Sustainability awards and Travel Awards as well as a campaign for Acer Aspire Vero laptops promoting tree planting for every laptop sold.
Recently I’ve been working with Fred Olsen cruises, doing talks on board ship as well as tours and promotional videos of Cape Town.
Being a Mum!
In between, I’m at home being a mum, doing the school run, the soccer run, the cricket run and the occasional 5 mile run! As well as plenty of hiking, yoga and pilates.